Click on the titles for PDFs of the presentations.
Friday, January 24
14:05 Sarah Hösli Visual-Spatial updating and cortical excitability during vestibular stimulation. UZH
14:25 Leo Russo. Azure Kinect data Fusion for Enhanced Skeleton Tracking. University of Pavia
14:45 Martin Gorges. Saccades in Health and Disease: Classification, Quantification, and Variability. Brandenburg University of Technology
15:05 Poster Blitz 1
Thomas Eggert. Differences in the control of conjugate and disconjugate components of horizontal fixation drift. Department of Neurology, LMU University Hospital, Munich
Matthias Philipp Baumann. Properties of Perisaccadic Mislocalization in Humans and Monkeys. University of Tübingen
Samuel Meyer. Refining Methods to Evoke the Optokinetic Reflex in Assessments of Visually Induced Dizziness and Balance. USZ
Wenbin Wu. Stronger premicrosaccadic sensitivity enhancement for dark contrasts in the primate superior colliculus. University Tübingen
Enea Weber. Oculomotor Mechanisms and the Generation of Mental Images: Spatial and Temporal Analyses. University of Bern
Maxine Rühl. Optimizing Galvanic vestibular stimulation for a naturalistic vestibular stimulation. LMU Klinikum, Klinik für Neurologie
Sandra Kollmansperger. Therapeutic modulation of the vestibular system using a mobile electrical stimulator: design, safety, and functional evaluation. German Centre for Vertigo and Balance Disorders (DSGZ)
Masih Shafiei. Reward prediction errors shape sensory error driven single-trial motor learning. Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research
16:00 Fred Mast. Vestibular perceptual learning: Past studies and future projects. University of Bern
16:20 Laura Köcher. Elucidating neural circuits alterations of mild traumatic brain injury in a larval zebrafish model. University of Zurich, University Hospital Zurich
16:40 Poster Blitz 2
Gabriel Möller. Vertical Optokinetic Behavior in Zebrafish. University of Tübingen
Tatiana Malevich. Spatially uninformative sounds modulate midbrain visual activity with and without primary visual cortical input. Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, University of Tübingen
Yue Yu. Visual response adaptation dynamics depend on luminance polarity and spatial frequency in primary visual cortex but not superior colliculus neurons. University of Tübingen
Giorgia Rita Di Ruggiero. The role of vestibular signals in arm movement control: exploring the existence of a vestibulo-brachial reflex. University Hospital Zurich
Jingkang Zhao. 3DeepVOG: Development of a Robust Open-source Eye Movement Tracking System with DL-based Iris ROI Segmentation and Eyeball Fitting. The Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Jörn Pomper. Can caloric testing serve as a tool to standardize vertigo symptom reports? Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, Tübingen
Junay Inoue. Role of the cerebellum in an attractor model for saccadic control and learning. University of Tübingen
Erich Schneider. Torsional Optokinetic Nystagmus: A Modeling Approach. BTU Cottbus.
Konrad Weber. Online Model for Predicting Ocular Myasthenia Graves (OMG)! USZ.
Saturday, January 25
9:00 Vergil Mavrodiev. Early visual response to a moving visual field in patients with a visually induced dizziness. USZ
9:20 Matthias Ertl. Challenging the status quo – results from replication experiments in vestibular cognition. University of Lucerne
9:40 Peter zu Eulenburg. Aging of inner ear structures and central vestibular representations. LMU Munich
10:00 Posters / Coffee
10:30 Roberto Soldi. Quantitative analysis of rehabilitation protocols based on Kinect Azure data: a feasibility study. University of Pavia
10:50 Christopher J Bockisch. Vestibular rotation cancellation by vision in patients with visually induced dizziness. University Hospital Zurich
11:10 Aristides Arrenberg. Investigation of vertical VOR and dorsal light reflex in larval zebrafish. University of Tübingen